Half way through the Year!

Internet safety day:

The boys had a visitor to talk about being safe on computers, iPads and phones. He read the story ‘chicken clicking’ which explained about the importance of not talking to strangers.


In assembly some of the boys shared their language posters, it was interesting listening to the different facts they shared and the phrases/key words.

This week in Maths we have been learning the names and properties of 3D shapes: sphere, cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone and pyramid. The boys sorted the shapes into hoops depending on the number of corners (vertices), edges and shape of the faces. We also found ‘real life’ shapes inside and outdoors.

In Literacy we recapped the sounds learnt so far, the boys have been writing words with the different sounds, e.g. ‘oa’-coat. It would be good to repeat this activity at home over the half term!


The second half of the class went to Welly time and explored the pond. They found some interesting eggs which we recently found out might be snail or slug eggs! The boys understood the importance of not disturbing the eggs and just looking.

Please find half term homework in book bags and the magic moment stars to fill in. The boys have all worked very hard this half term and it has been wonderful to watch their confidence grow. Mrs Curran and I hope you all have a fun and well deserved break.

Star boy week beginning:  20.02.17

Monday: Priyan

Tuesday: Seth

Wednesday: Thomas K

Thursday: Thomas S

Friday: Tom

Could you please research one type of weather and bring in some facts to share.


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