Telling the time

In Maths we revisited telling the time. The boys enjoyed making clocks and playing time games including ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf’. For homework this week, could you please use the paper plates clocks sent home to make o’clock times. We have also been looking at half past so please practise this too.


Spread your wings, Butterflies

The boys have loved observing the caterpillars turn to butterflies. We even got to witness a butterfly emerge from its chrysalis! On Thursday we let them out into the big wide world.


During Maths this week we recapped time, we played what’s the time Mr Wolf?


Have a fantastic half term!

 Star boy, W.B: 03.06.19

Please bring in a picture of you as a baby:

Monday: Milan

Tuesday: Nathan

Wednesday: Robin

Please bring a song to sing to your class:

Thursday: Xander

Friday: Alec



Class Breakfast

The class breakfast was a wonderful start to the week, the boys thoroughly enjoyed the relaxing breakfast, chatting away to each other.


Keeping with our theme of caterpillars, we read The very hungry caterpillar and made our own caterpillar diaries.

 We revisited money this week, the boys enjoyed money bingo and playing shops. We learnt about giving change.


We have been making bees and ladybirds.


The boys enjoyed racing on the track at Green Meadow.


After half term there will be a whole school fundraising coin mosaic where each class creates their own mosaic using coins. The Year 8 boys are helping Reception to design and make theirs. We have a coin collection jar in our classroom so the boys can start collecting pennies!


 Star boy, W.B: 20.05.19

Please bring in a picture of you as a baby:

Monday: Kore

Tuesday: Kyan

Wednesday: Matthew

Thursday: Maurice

Friday: Michael



Between and Difference

In Maths we have been learning the terms ‘in between’ and ‘difference’. The boys enjoyed making human number lines and finding numbers that were in between numbers. They also used number lines, counting bears and drawing circles to find the difference between two numbers.

To practise this at home, please lay out your number cards or use your laminated 100 square to find numbers that are in between other numbers e.g. write one number between 12 and 17. Similarly, use these laminated resources to find the difference between 2 numbers. The boys have learnt to count on from their starting number and to remember to count up to and including the last number. e.g. To find the difference between 5 and 10, count 6,7,8,9 and 10. Or find/draw 10 objects and take away 5, how many are left?



Our caterpillars have been growing fast! We made our own butterfly life cycles.


This week we recapped 1 more and 1 less and explored the meaning of the words: ‘between’ and ‘difference’. The boys used the number line and 100 square to select 2 numbers and then find the numbers between and also find the difference.


The boys enjoyed painting tulips and sunflowers with a range of tools, including forks!


We are looking forward to our class breakfast on Monday. Please can the boys bring in their own breakfast.

Star boy, W.B: 13.05.19

Please bring in a picture of you as a baby:

Monday: Danveer

Tuesday: Emilio

Wednesday: Eren

Thursday: Ethan

Friday: Kaius



Caterpillars and Beanstalks

We started learning our number bonds to 10 this week and found there are 11 different ways to make 10! We also started to look at number bonds to 20.


We listened to the story ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ and recapped the events of the story. We have some new arrivals, little caterpillars. We also planted our beans this week and started our bean diaries.


Star boy, W.B: 06.05.19


Please bring in a picture of you as a baby:

Tuesday: Andrey

Wednesday: Arran

Thursday: Austin

Friday: Blake