3D shapes

This week we have been learning about 3D shapes. Over the half term, please go on a shape hunt! See if you can find real life examples of: Cubes Spheres Cuboids Cylinders and Cones. Once you have found the different shapes, please count the corners and edges and identify the faces. Happy shape hunting!


Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

We had a lovely week celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Making crowns

Designing Jubilee puddings!

Building London Landmarks

Finished by a wonderful party at the end of the week and the coin mosaic.

Minibeast hunting during Welly Time:

Don’t forget our school photo on Monday 6th, boys to come to school in their normal uniform rather than PE kits please.

Show and Tell WB: 6.6.22.

Please bring in a song to sing to the class:

Monday: James

Tuesday: Joshua

Wednesday: Lennon

Thursday:  Leo

Friday: Nicholas


Stay Safe in the Sun

This week we have been looking at 2D shapes. We made animals using the shapes, can you guess the animals?

We enjoyed exploring the water wall, finding different ways to transport the water. We spoke about staying safe in the sun during Miss Paynter’s assembly.

Our beans have started to grow roots and some little shoots.

Thank you Mrs Makrides and Mrs Weinberg for teaching us about Australia and for the delicious TimTams!

Remember to wear red, white and blue on Friday for our Jubilee Street Party and please remember to bring in any spare change you have for our coin mosaic we will be making on Friday.

Show and Tell WB: 23.5.22.

Please bring in a song to sing to the class:

Monday: Doran

Tuesday: Harry

Wednesday: Jacen

Thursday:  Jacob H

Friday: Jacob W



This week in Maths we have been learning about capacity.

Please could you find 3 containers, e.g. bottles, cups, jugs. Fill one so it is ‘full’, one so it is ‘empty’ and one ‘half full’ or ‘half empty’.

Now try: ‘nearly full’ and ‘nearly empty’.


75th Anniversary

75th Anniversary assembly:

This week we had a visit from Dr Fraser

Dr Fraser talked to us about the importance of visiting the dentist twice a year, not eating too many sweets and brushing our teeth twice a day.

We learnt the different types of teeth: Incisor, canine and molar

We must brush inside and outside of our teeth and children should have help brushing up to 8 years old.

Dr Fraser gave us egg timers to help remember to brush for 2 minutes.

We sorted foods that are good and bad for teeth.

Cheese can stop cavities on your teeth.

Raisins tricked us, they are healthy, however high in natural sugar so not good for teeth.

We had a lovely start to the week with our wellbeing breakfast

Thank you Mrs Ecvet for teaching us about Ramadan and for the special treats.

We planted our broad beans this week:

Show and Tell WB: 16.5.22.

Please bring in a song to sing to the class:

Monday: Alessandro

Tuesday: Alexander

Wednesday: Arran

Thursday:  Daniel

Friday: Denis



For the Maths homework this week:

Find 3 toys, can you find the longest? Shortest? How do you know?

Now use a ruler or non- standard units (cubes) to measure items around your house. You can draw the object and write the measurement next to it.



The boys enjoyed watching the little chicks grow and carefully holding them. They made some beautiful observational drawings of them.

In Maths this week, we have looked at measuring using different methods such as cubes and a ruler.

During Welly Time, we made Nature Mobiles. We had to persevere when tying the objects onto the string!

Show and Tell WB: 09.5.22.

Our topic will be ‘growing’, please bring in a picture of you as a baby:

Monday: Steven

Tuesday: Ted

Wednesday: Yafan

Thursday:  Zackariya

Please bring a song to sing to the class:

Friday: Abel