Teamwork is key!

We started off the week with a Halloween themed Maths lesson: We had a black cauldron and took turns to pick a number and add spooky objects into our spooky soup. We also looked at the addition sign ‘+’ and had a go at adding numbers together using the objects. To help us understand addition, we used a bead string.

Hopefully we will see you at the Maths workshop on Wednesday when we will have a chance to explain our Maths teaching techniques in more detail. You will also have the chance to look at the boys’ classroom and work.

We celebrated bonfire night by creating our own firework pictures using paint and glitter. We also talked about the reason for bonfire night and the importance of staying safe.


For literacy this week, we have been continuing with our sounds and using our phonic knowledge to write some simple words. The boys really enjoyed the buried treasure Phonic game, please see link below if you would like to play at home:


We started Welly time this week, half the boys went this week and the other half will go next week.

Outside on the bikes and scooters and building dens:

We had lots of fun team building during the Maths Workshop today:

Please find the boys’ Christmas cards in their book bags, it would be lovely if we could have the examples back because we want to put them on display.

Star boy, wb : 6.11.17

Please bring in a picture or photo of you and your family:

Monday: Savan

Tuesday: Shanindu

Wednesday:  Kushal


Please bring in a photo or drawing of your favourite room in your house:

Thursday: Cruz

Friday: Daniel

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