Money, money, money!

We have been looking at money this week. The boys have learnt about the coins that are currently in circulation as well as some of the notes.

The boys have taken part in many practical activities to help reinforce this concept. We even opened our own shop!




Here the boys are playing a money bingo game.


This week we have also been looking at how we can represent data. Linked with our focus of weather the boys were asked which is their favourite. We first created our class pictogram and then we transferred this information onto a class bar graph. The boys were intrigued by this new way of showing information.



As you can see, sunny weather was our favourite.


Linked with our Understanding the World focus the boys have been busy creating Winter scenes and creating amazing snowflakes.

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In our Literacy sessions we have looked at rhyme and the boys have written poems about snow.

Now we have learnt all the Jolly Phonics sounds for Reception we are busy reinforcing these sounds and we are beginning to learn to read and write some tricky words.



The boys are here using their phonics to write words and sentences.

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The boys have also enjoyed digging in the garden. Our newly planted vegetables are growing well and we are looking forward to a good crop.

In the classroom we are currently growing courgettes.

Have a lovely weekend!

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