What’s The Time Mr Wolf?

This week we have started to tell the time. All of the boys became experts at telling the time to “o’clock”. Please do keep testing them at home. You might find the following websites helpful



We have also started to practise joining some letters when we write. Today we had a go at joining “ck” and tomorrow we will look at “ai”.

Some notices for the week

  • Please note we will do the spelling test tomorrow as we will be out on the trip on Friday.
  • If you are coming to help on the trip please try to come to the briefing meeting tomorrow. It is at 2.50 in my classroom.
  • If you are able to help on Friday please do let us know. We have had some cancellations and an extra pair of hands would be really appreciated!
  • On Friday the boys should come to school at the normal time dressed in their school uniform. Please remember to send them with a packed lunch in a clearly named bag. School will end at the usual time (However, if you have come on the trip you will be able to take your son straight home when we leave the farm).
  • A small amount of spending money is allowed as there is a small gift shop at the farm. Please put the money somewhere safe and clearly named. The adult in charge of your son will look after the money for them.

I look forward to posting some photo’s of the trip soon!

Thank you!


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